Skribblio Custom Words List Dirty
Skribblio Custom Words List Dirty - Custom word lists for skribbl. io and similar games. Mit license 0 stars 0 forks branches tags activity. Star notifications you must be signed in to change notification settings. A bunch of stupid custom skribbl. io terms. Skribbl. io is a great free quarantine / social distanced game where one person attempts to draw a word while everyone else guesses what they are drawing. The word list is in the file words. txt. Each word is on one line. The script turn_to_list. sh will turn the wordlist into a list. Learn how to play skribbl. io, a free online drawing and guessing game, with custom word lists for various topics. Find out how to create a private room and add your own words to the game. App administrator can accept, reject or edit words that.
Custom word lists for skribbl. io and similar games. Mit license 0 stars 0 forks branches tags activity. Star notifications you must be signed in to change notification settings. A bunch of stupid custom skribbl. io terms. Skribbl. io is a great free quarantine / social distanced game where one person attempts to draw a word while everyone else guesses what they are drawing.