State Employee Salaries Ma
State Employee Salaries Ma - Mass. gov salary and compensation: Each bargaining unit has a separate salary chart. Confidential employees are paid at the equivalent. Payroll across state government topped $9 billion in 2025, with the university of massachusetts system constituting the top paid department at nearly $1. 7 billion. Use the masslive database to search for salaries. There were 931 state workers who earned more than $200,000 in 2025. The umass amherst foundation pays around $3. Massachusetts employee salaries 2023. The average employee salary for the state of massachusetts in 2023 was $82,924. This is 15. 6 percent higher than the national average for. On july 31, 2025, governor healey signed into law an act relative to salary range transparency, now chapter 141 of the acts of 2025. This act includes a new workforce data. Open payroll is part of our commitment to improving transparency by providing a guided view through complex financial information. Base pay = for employees, includes regular wages and retro pay. Overtime pay = for work outside of normal hours. Other pay = includes standby pay,. Massachusetts spent $10. 26 billion on state payroll during 2025, and 1,249 state employees earned more than the governor โ some, a lot more. As a state department, 28,088 university of massachusetts employees raked in a combined $1. 76 billion. 21 rowswe have 182,795 massachusetts employee salaries in our database. Average mass state employee salary is $58,349 and median salary is $53,561. Look up ma public employee. Massachusetts employee salaries 2025. The average employee salary for the state of massachusetts in 2025 was $79,420. This is 10. 7 percent higher than the national average for. Ma employers with 100 plus employees must submit eeo reports by feb 3, 2025. Salary range disclosure requirement effective oct 29, 2025. Some states have laws and. University of massachusetts system (ums) employees: School district of boston employees:. Massachusetts employee salaries 2025. The average employee salary for the state of massachusetts in 2025 was $76,380. This is 6. 5 percent higher than the national average for. Massachusettsโ state payroll topped $9 billion in 2025, with most of the top earners hailing from the university of massachusetts system.
Mass. gov salary and compensation: Each bargaining unit has a separate salary chart. Confidential employees are paid at the equivalent. Payroll across state government topped $9 billion in 2025, with the university of massachusetts system constituting the top paid department at nearly $1. 7 billion. Use the masslive database to search for salaries. There were 931 state workers who earned more than $200,000 in 2025. The umass amherst foundation pays around $3. Massachusetts employee salaries 2023. The average employee salary for the state of massachusetts in 2023 was $82,924. This is 15. 6 percent higher than the national average for. On july 31, 2025, governor healey signed into law an act relative to salary range transparency, now chapter 141 of the acts of 2025. This act includes a new workforce data. Open payroll is part of our commitment to improving transparency by providing a guided view through complex financial information. Base pay = for employees, includes regular wages and retro pay. Overtime pay = for work outside of normal hours.